jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015



In 1799, New York City police constable Ichabod Cran (Johhny Depp) is facing imprisonment for going against traditional methods and favoring forensic investigation techniques, such as autopsies, considered unorthodox and unimportant at the time. Ichabood submits to deployment with his bad of tools to the Western Country of Sleepy Hollow, which has beed plagued by a series of brutal slaying in which the victims have been found decapitaded: Peter Van Garret, wealthy farmar and landower; his son Dirk; and the widow Emily Windship. Arriving in Sleepy Hollow, Crane is informed by headless mercenary from the American Revolutionary War who rides at night on a massive black steed in search of missing head.


  • Ichabood Crane
  • Katrina Van Tassel
  • Young Masbath
  • Brom Van Brunt
  • Lady Van Tassel
  • Reverend Steenwych
  • Magistrate Samuel Philipse
  • Dr. Thomas Lancaster
  • Notary Jame Hardenbrook
  • Killian, Beth's husband
  • Beth Killian, the Midwife
  • Peter Van Garret


- Imprisonment: empresonament
- Unorthodox: unusual
-Submits: sometre
-Deployment: desplegament
-Tools: instruments
- Widow: víuda
- Headles: sense cap
- Elders: gent gran
- Flesh: carn
- Rises: s'eleva
- Summoned: convocat
- Concerned: preocupat
- Spree: gresca
- Witnes: testimoni
- Embark: embarcar
- Source: font
- Thus: per tant

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